Under følger noen utsagn om Plattform 12:


I have heard that you are going to launch a web-based knowledge site. This is good news indeed, and will be of tremendous value especially to all who are involved in music education and outreach activities in South Africa.

Ron Samaai, Project Leader, Western Cape Music Education Project Director and Board member: Cape Philharmonic Orchestra and Klein Karoo National Festival

We are always seeking ways in which to provide knowledge and information for our staff which will ensure that we are relevant in a global context, and so it is with great interest that I look forward to the launching of the web-based knowledge site that you are proposing to create. This website will be of great significance to the outreach and education efforts of the Certificate Programmes at Stellenbosch University, and to the many community music projects in South Africa, and I am happy to endorse this project.

Felicia Lesch, Lecturer: Community Music, Music Department Stellenbosch University



Den 11 juni träffade jag och några av våra metodiklärare Grete Helle Rasmussen som demonstrerade en nätbaserad plattform för instrumentalundervisning. Vi blev alla mycket inspirerade och nyfikna på att utforska möjligheterna i det strukturerade system som plattformen bygger på.”

”Vi såg också möjligheterna framledes i att Plattform 12 skulle kunna bli en del i våra musiklärarstudenters utbildning, vilket i sin förlängning skulle kunna gynna svenska musik- och kulturskolors utveckling.

Göran Lindskog, Studierektor med ansvar för musiklärarutbildningen på Musikhögskolan Ingesund, Karlstads universitet.



Considering the globalized and 24/7 connected world we live in nowadays, it sounds very natural to think of Grete Rasmussen’s idea: a website that gathers the teaching methodology for musical instruments – and that presents it in different languages. It seems to be the ultimate way to take musical teaching-learning anywhere, in addition to guarantee the quality and seriousness of this educational process. Besides, it combines multiple positive characteristics such as presenting different levels of development, making it suitable for students in any phase of learning; brings exercises, teaching instructions and videos, thus a complete material for those interested; presents it all for several musical instruments such as violin, viola, cello; and it meets the international goal of sustainability as it saves all paperwork!

Because of all these reasons, I would love to count on it for Aprendiz; it certainly would be beneficial for all participants.

Luiza Carino, Aprendiz, musikkoleutviklingsprogram for barn i Niteroi/Brasil



P12 er, med sin tydelige strukturering og systematiske oppbygging, en god maÅãte aÅã tydeliggj.re progresjonen i kulturskolenes opplaeringstilbud paÅã. Ved videre utvikling kan P12 bli et svaert godt verkt.y for kulturskolelaerere innen alle kunstuttrykk, gjennom mulighetene for utstrakt deling av baÅãde laeremiddelstoff og metodiske erfaringer.

Åste Selnæs Domaas, Fagsjef – Norsk kulturskoleråd

P12 er et banebrytende verkt.y, og et viktig ledd i IRIS prosjektets bidrag rettet mot kulturskole elever, deres laerere og foresatte.
P12 er et baerekraftig element med tanke på tydeliggjøringen av kulturskolen som et skoleslag satt i et helhetlig utdanningsløp.

Rut Jorunn Rønning, Prosjektleder IRIS / Rådgiver Norsk kulturskoleråd